Area Erectors Inc maintains a strong commitment to safety, with Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) guidelines as a minimum, from the president down through all offices to field employees.
Area Erectors as a whole is deeply committed to enforcing a 100% 6-foot fall protection rule on all job sites. Area has a full-time safety department that focuses on and assists in the preplanning phase to mitigate hazards whenever possible. Jobs are continuously monitored through safety audits by a competent person as defined by OSHA.
Area’s safety department works together with all of our offices to ensure policies and procedures are being enforced. Additionally, we ensure all employees are properly trained and understand the importance of safety in the performance of their jobs.
Continuous and ongoing training of our employees is crucial to our success. Along with the local unions, employees are offered numerous training opportunities in the specific scope of work that Area Erectors performs.
Area’s safety record reflects an experience modification rate (EMR) that is below the industry norm.